BOHS 402 surveyors
Our Surveying Department is a specialist inspection body within WEAAR Ltd with all surveying undertaken by fully qualified BOHS 402 surveyors.
WEAAR Ltd offer a comprehensive Asbestos Surveying service to both Public & Private Sectors including both domestic & non domestic premises, also ocean going vessels both public & commercial.
All surveys carried out are in accordance with both the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 & HSG264 Asbestos: The Survey Guide.
Our surveying services include:
Management and refurbishment and demolition asbestos surveys to meet the client’s requirements
Updating of Management surveys if required
Photographic Evidence collated of all areas inspected
Bulk Samples taken of all suspect materials that may contain asbestos.
Bulk Sample results from an independent UKAS accredited laboratory
Approximate Quantities of all ACMs (for tendering purposes)
Asbestos register with priority areas easily identified
Recommendations for any further requirements that may be necessary
Material assessment algorithm
Detailed information of areas of no access (if applicable)
Full colour report via email & hard copy
All surveys are carried out in a confidential & low profile manner; surveys completed are produced within seven days.